Michigan Fur Harvest Season 2022

The Michigan Fur Harvest Season brings many different types of recreational opportunities throughout the state given the large number of furbearing species which can be hunted or trapped. Furharvesting has played a vital role in the lives and culture of Michiganders throughout history, including present day. Michigan is a great state for fur harvesting and has 17 species of furbearers. Furbearers found in Michigan are badger, bobcat, fisher, marten, red fox, gray fox, coyote, weasels (least, short-tailed and long-tailed), mink, raccoon, muskrat, beaver, otter, skunk, and opossum.
Year-round Michigan Fur Harvest & Hunting Seasons 2022-2023
Opossum, porcupine, weasel, red squirrel, skunk, ground squirrel, woodchuck, and feral swine may be harvested year-round, statewide with a valid Michigan hunting license. There is no bag limit for these species.
Raccoons, skunks, woodchuck, and coyotes may be taken year-round, using otherwise lawful hunting or trapping methods, on private property and with landowner permission when doing or about to do damage. A license or written permission is not needed.
Check the chart below for detailed season dates, bag limits and areas.
Hunting and Trapping Zones
Michigan is divided into Hunting and Trapping Zones 1-2-3; see map below. Zone 1 includes all of the Upper Peninsula. The dividing line between Zones 2 and 3 is from the Lake Michigan shoreline north of Muskegon Lake easterly on Memorial Drive to Ruddiman Drive to Lake Avenue, easterly on Lake Avenue to M-120 in North Muskegon, northeasterly on M-120 to M-20, easterly on M-20 to US-10, easterly on US-10 to Garfield Road in Bay County, northerly on Garfield Road to Pinconning Road, easterly on Pinconning Road to Seven Mile Road, northerly on Seven Mile Road to Lincoln School Road (County Road 25) in Arenac County, northerly on Lincoln School Road to M-61, easterly on M-61 to US-23, easterly on US-23 to center line of AuGres River, southerly along center line of AuGres River to Saginaw Bay, easterly 90 degrees east for 7 miles into Saginaw Bay, then northerly 78 degrees east to the International Boundary.
Before you embark on the 2021 Michigan Fur Harvest Season, ensure you have your license and understand the rules and regulations in your area. The 2021 Michigan Fur Harvester license is valid from May 1, 2021 to April 30, 2022. See our post on Michigan Fur Harvester License for more information. Also for updated Rules and Regulations, see the Michigan Fur Harvester Digest on the Michigan DNR website.
[…] your hunting and trapping license in your gear pack, or on your person, is required anytime you are in the field. I suggest finding a […]
[…] 2020 Michigan Fur Harvester license is valid from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021. See our post on Michigan Fur Harvester License for more information. Also for updated Rules and Regulations, see the Michigan Fur Harvester Digest […]
[…] ensure you have your hunting and trapping license in your gear pack, or on your person, as its required anytime you are in the field. I suggest […]